Como escolher os vestidos das madrinhas de casamento?| Cheap bridesmaid dresses
Nowadays when the subject are dressed bridesmaid the variety is so great that it is able to leave any bride crazy but calm, if you are the bride or even the godmother, this task is easier than it seems, just think of some factors and your personal taste that the end result will be beautiful. Here are some tips to help you choose the right model for your cheap bridesmaids dresses from babyonline wholesale store.
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The color of the dress is one of the most important things to consider, after all, each color conveys different meanings, the ideal is that you research before choosing the color of the dresses of your bridesmaids, and if you want everyone to dress with the same tone, different colors or gradient, for wedding the candy colors are the best, but depending on the place the dark colors combine the best.
The bridesmaid dresses can not dazzle the bride's, it's important to be a comfortable model and a balance between the basics and the chic, options with neckline shoulder to shoulder and high collar are beautiful and different options.
O vestido não precisa combinar com a decoração
Se o casal for casar na praia ou campo o esperado é que os vestidos sejam mais leves e se for em um lugar mais formal que eles sejam mais elegantes, até aí tudo bem, mas não queira que suas madrinhas se vistam com as cores da decoração, será uma junção de decoração com os vestidos e não vai ter um destaque em nada, opte por cores contrarias as que forem usadas nas flores, fundo da decoração, etc.
If the couple is to marry on the beach or the countryside, the expectation is that the dresses are lighter and if it is in a more formal place that they are more elegant, so far so good, but do not want their bridesmaids dress in the colors of the decoration , it will be a decoration junction with the dresses and will not have a highlight in anything, opt for colors that are contrary to those used in flowers, decoration background, etc.
Estampa na medida certa
Vestidos com estampa ou sem? Eis a questão, se a estampa for algo discreto é uma boa opção, caso contrário, você pode usar glitter, rendas, transparências ou decote diferentes, são boas alternativas para quem não quer estampa.
Dresses with or without print? Here's the question, if the print is something discreet is a good option, otherwise you can use different glitter, lace, transparencies or neckline, are good alternatives for those who do not want print.
Agora já sabe qual modelo quer que suas madrinhas de casamento usem? Que tal dar uma passada na babyonlinewholesale para você conferir muitos outros vestidos além desses do post.
Now you know which model you want your bridesmaids to wear? How about taking a break at babyonlinewholesale for you to check out many other dresses besides those in the post.
Vai casar em breve? Qual vestido escolheu para suas madrinhas? Conta aí nos comentários.
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